Question:  Does Grammar Check differentiate between different dialects of languages?

Answer: Many languages such as English have different dialects. The origin of English is the UK, but the other dialects are also popular in many places. These dialects are from America, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. In the verbal communication of different dialects, some words differ in spellings because of the spellings and their ‘own’ English rules. Sometimes, people forget to implement the same dialect throughout their writings. It is mandatory to use the dialect which your readers understand to make an impact with the work you have done. The grammar check allows you to check grammar from your document by selecting the dialect in which you have written. There are very few grammar check tools which provide you the differentiation between different dialects of languages. The best free grammar on our website is one of them which gives you the ease of changing the dialect before making grammar check.

The popular dialects of English are American and British, the native writers often confuse between these two and make mistakes by mixing up them. Now you don’t have to worry as grammar check free will help you to understand the difference in words and grammar of both dialects. For example, you use the words behavior, flavor, color, labor and humor in your content but you checked the grammar from British English grammar check then it will show you the error. If you have typed your content for British readers, you must write these words as “behaviour, flavour, colour, labour and humour.” To avoid this thing to happen, you must know the audience preference so that you write according to it and check grammar with